Chắc cũng hết hứng mua luôn á

nhân viên siêu thị dán yểm bùa ở kệ giấy vệ sinh để ngăn ăn cắp vặt...

Panic buying has been rife amid the global spread of the coronavirus, with shoppers stockpiling goods like toilet paper, hand sanitizer (sát khuẩn tay) and canned food (thức ăn đóng hộp).

In Japan, those who couldn’t buy toilet paper have resorted to pilfering (chôm chỉa, ăn cắp vặt) supplies from public restrooms (phòng vệ sinh công cộng).

But one Japanese store has cursed its toilet rolls to prevent thefts.

Mink Itachibe, who works at a convenience store in Niigata prefecture, noticed people stealing between three to five rolls of toilet paper each day. She sketched an image that shows three eyes and several kanji characters and stuck it up in front of the toilet rolls.

Tags: japan

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