"A reality check" nghĩa là gì?

Số liệu thực tế đáng giật mình. Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels

"A reality check" = kiểm tra thực tế -> nghĩa là thực tế buộc phải chấp nhận (kết quả không tốt hay tình huống tồi tệ).

Ví dụ
Zoltán Szabó, a sustainability (tính bền vững) consultant (nhà tư vấn) for trade group Ethanol Europe, said it is clear that the EU has not delivered on transport decarbonisation (vận tải vì môi trường) and a reality check is therefore needed as the underlying issue is oil consumption (tiêu thụ dầu).

Notes veteran (kỳ cựu) media planner Mike Nussey: "Telecom companies (công ty viễn thông) have been dealt a reality check and are not as arrogant (kiêu ngạo) as they once were. And they aren’t as cash flush (tràn đầy). This has been driven (thúc đẩy) in part by the focus on data costs (chi phí dữ liệu) by agencies of the SA government, which has caused a change in their thinking."

The fixation on the COVID-19 numbers ahead of the IMF‘s forecasts (dự báo) was evident (hiển nhiên) in the markets. Even the worst economic indicators (chỉ số kinh tế) on record had not been enough to stall (ngăn chặn) the global equity market (thị trường chứng khoán toàn cầu) rebound (phục hồi). Just as investors (nhà đầu tư) were preparing for the earnings season, the IMF delivered its reality check.

Thu Phương

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