"All over the shop" nghĩa là gì?

Này thì dọn chết mệt. :D Photo by Designecologist from Pexels

"All over the shop" nghĩa là mọi nơi, mọi chỗ hoặc trong tình trạng lộn xộn, lung tung khắp nơi.

Ví dụ
We cleaned everything and put signs detailing the new restrictions (hạn chế) all over the shop.

It might be a low impact (tác động) workout but that doesn't stop your norks from flying all over the shop, if you have them.

The show-case starts to wobble (lắc lư), false noses and moustaches (ria mép) fall on the floor and confetti (hoa giấy) flies about all over the shop.

It is important to know from the start of a build that the shop is fully aware of every item needed. The shop runs like a machine and people all over the shop are pulling equipment to fill your order.

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