"At your mother’s knee" nghĩa là gì?

Con cái nhà ai đáng yêu thế này? Photo by Anastasiya Gepp from Pexels

"At your mother/father’s knee" = đến đầu gối của mẹ/cha -> nghĩa là khi bạn còn rất nhỏ (chỉ cao đến đầu gối của bố mẹ), từ thuở tấm bé.

Ví dụ
“Mmm,” Blue said finally, “this is scrumptious (ngon tuyệt). You're an excellent (xuất sắc) cook. Did you learn at your mother's knee?”

It amuses (tiêu khiển) her that she is unable to repress (kìm nén) such banal expressions (biểu hiện tầm thường), learned at her mother's knee, because she hates cliches (lời sáo rỗng) and excoriates (phê bình) any writer who employs them. “When it comes to literature (văn học), at least, I have very high standards (tiêu chuẩn cao),” she says, laughing.

It had been a terrible moment (khoảnh khắc tồi tệ), but it was past. To live to manhood (trưởng thành) in ignorance (thờ ơ) of the dishonor (hổ thẹn) of his birth, and then to learn the truth under the shadow of death—this had been a tragic experience (trải nghiệm bi thảm). The love he had borne (hướng đến) his father—the reverence (tôn kính) he had learned at his father's knee—to what bitter test (thử thách đắng cay) had they been put!

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