"Be no bad thing" nghĩa là gì?

Cách ly không hề cô đơn và tệ như bạn nghĩ đâu. Photo by Edward Jenner from Pexels

"Be no bad thing" -> nghĩa là không phải điều tệ hại.

Ví dụ
A friend was asking the other day for books in which no bad things happen, because with politics (chính trị), pandemics (thảm họa), and polar vortices (lốc xoáy vùng cực), sometimes you want your reading to be all upbeat (lạc quan).

She went on to reveal (tiết lộ) that in accordance with (phù hợp với) social distancing (cách ly xã hội) rules she had done her own hair and make up, and said: 'As we have to do our own hair and make-up at the moment maybe it's no bad thing you can't see too much detail.'

The coronavirus crisis might very well be intensifying (gia tăng mạnh). Most specialists (chuyên gia) predict that the rest of April could see the pandemic worsening (tồi tệ hơn) in different parts of the world, as numbers grow steadily. However, that might not be a bad thing, they say. It means that COVID-19 testing (thử nghiệm) is being accelerated (nhanh chóng) around the world, henceforth; more cases will be discovered, allowing health authorities (chuyên gia y tế) to curb (hạn chế) the random infections (lây nhiễm chéo) by identifying (xác định) the infected people and those close to them. They will get treated.

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