"Bread and circuses" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Becky Phan on Unsplash

"Bread and circuses" = bánh mì và những trò vui -> biểu thị cho những nỗ lực hoặc trò mèo, mồi nhử nhằm đánh lạc hướng khiến dòng người đang bất mãn quên đi. Khái niệm này xuất phát từ thời La Mã cổ đại, khi nhà cầm quyền phân phát bánh mì miễn phí cho người dân, đồng thời bày ra những trò vui như cho nô lệ đấu nhau đến chết để mua lấy sự ủng hộ của họ.

Ví dụ
“Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt (làm loạn).” This ancient Roman political axiom (chân lý chính trị), like many things, is being upended in the age of COVID-19. In Israel, nearly all of the enjoyable entertainment “circuses” the public is accustomed (thường lệ) to enjoying over the Passover holiday have been outlawed (cấm) due to the need to socially distance (giãn cách xã hội) and prevent the virus' spread.

Collectively, by aligning (sắp xếp) private and social objectives (mục tiêu), these approaches (tiếp cận) would not only encourage (khuyến khích) stay-at-home behavior, but they would reduce compliance costs (chi phí thích nghi) and help prepare a workforce to bounce back once the pandemic has passed. This is about more than just biding (chờ đợi) time at home. This challenging situation requires a modern take on “bread and circuses,” a strategy (chiến lược) to keep people safe at home while putting bread on the table.

Bread and circuses is a useful phrase to keep in mind that can easily be used for any populist policies (chính sách dân túy) round the globe, if not here. The coronavirus spread proved that many countries, including the richest and most powerful ones, do need to get better governance (quản trị), especially in reinforcing (củng cố) their healthcare systems. The virus also showed that it is capable (khả năng) of making people go out of their minds within minutes and turn them into circus performers in the maddest (điên rồ nhất) circus ever.

Thu Phương

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