"Broken vessel" nghĩa là gì?

"Feeling" trống rỗng. Photo by tripleMdesignz from Pexels

"Broken vessel" = bình đất vỡ tan -> nghĩa là (cảm thấy) bị phá hủy hoàn toàn, bị bỏ rơi, quên lãng, đau khổ. Cụm từ xuất phát trong Kinh thánh, khi mỗi người là một chiếc bình gốm mà Chúa "đổ đầy" vào đó sức mạnh và trí tuệ.

Ví dụ
I have passed out of mind (mất ý thức) like one who is dead. I have become a broken vessel.

And Herb Chilstrom — an empty and broken vessel redeemed (bù lại) by Christ — longed to show and understand the depths of that love with every breath. Herb died Sunday at his home in Sahuarita. He was 88.

For to be this broken vessel it is in that breaking that then we may be made whole, to the likeness of His Son Christ Jesus! Being broken will lead us all into that life of Holiness (thiêng liêng), Purity (thanh khiết), Love.

“I learned that in a relationship it is about what I am bringing to it. You cannot get fulfillment (trọn vẹn) from the other person. It has to be within. What you expect from the other person, you have to find it within yourself, especially things that money cannot buy like happiness, joy and love. Because you cannot also give what you do not have. Even if you do not find it in the other person, you are fine and fulfilled, you will not end up a broken vessel. God is the ultimate (cuối cùng) fulfillment,” Gloria said.

Thu Phương

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