"Butter your bread on both sides" nghĩa là gì?

Không cần giàu có, chỉ cần có thể du lịch vòng quanh thế giới thôi. :D Photo by Michael Block from Pexels

"Butter one's bread on both sides" hoặc "have (one's) bread buttered on both sides" = bơ phết lên cả hai mặt bánh mì -> nghĩa là được hưởng lợi từ mọi phía hoặc (sống trong) sự phong lưu, sự sung túc.

Ví dụ
Obviously, having made sure he had American citizenship (quyền công dân), they wanted his bread buttered on both sides.

Besides, your uncle buttered her bread on both sides in his will. Her conduct (hành vi), and her motives (động cơ), I admit, are not altogether clear even to me.

His attempt (cố gắng) to butter his bread on both sides results in an argument as opaque (không rõ ràng) as his conclusion (kết luận) is unconvincing (không thuyết phục).

I scanned story after story of ineptitude (vô lý), outright incompetence (hoàn toàn kém cỏi), and political wrangling (tranh luận chính trị ầm ĩ), where the sheriff (cảnh sát trưởng) sided with powerful allies (đồng minh) to the point of thwarting justice (cản trở công lý). Sheriff Osage Benson buttered his bread on both sides. And he'd been in office for at least twenty years.

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