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tình báo Mỹ nghi ngờ số liệu về Covid-19 của Trung Quốc

Intelligence officials have told the White House for weeks that China has vastly (rất, hết sức, cực kỳ) understated (nói bớt, nói giảm đi; báo cáo không đúng sự thật) the spread of the coronavirus and the damage the pandemic (đại dịch) has done.

...Obtaining a more accurate count (có được con số chính xác) of the Chinese rate of infection and deaths from the virus has worldwide public health implications (tác động y tế công) at a time of grave (nghiêm trọng, trầm trọng; quan trọng (sự việc)) uncertainty (bất định) over the virus, its speed of transmission (tốc độ truyền nhiễm) and other fundamental questions (các câu hỏi căn bản khác). For American officials, the totals are critical to getting a better understanding of how Covid-19 will affect the United States in the months to come and of the effectiveness (tính hiệu quả) of countermeasures (biện pháp phòng chống) like social distancing (giãn cách xã hội),

...The American intelligence about understated numbers predates recent reporting in the Chinese news media that the death count in Wuhan could be 5,000 or more, double the official number.

Tags: health

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