Thời gian ơi xin dừng lại

hoạt động kinh tế/ thương mại đã dừng, nhưng đồng hồ tài chính ko ngừng quay, tiền thuê nhà, điện nước, lãi vay v.v... 

-> cần phải stopped để doanh nghiệp thở được...

Much of the U.S. economy is now shutting down to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Restaurants, bars and many other businesses that rely on people gathering are closing across the nation. Social distancing and local orders to shelter in place are cutting foot traffic, which will hit every retail store hard except for some that sell food and other essentials. Those shutdowns (phong tỏa) will ripple through (gợn sóng lăn tăn, rì rào khẽ lay động) the economy as consumption drops. The U.S. is looking at a plunge (lao xuống, đâm sâu/đâm ngập vào) in output that, at least in the short term, will make the 2008-09 crisis pale in comparison.

In theory, a partial economic shutdown doesn’t have to cause long-term damage. After the danger of the pandemic ends, U.S. workers can go right back to what they were doing before -- eating in restaurants, walking into stores -- and economic output will go right back up.

But the economy isn’t defined only by real activity; it also is made up of a web of financial obligations (nghĩa vụ tài chính). People owe rent, utilities, student-loan payments, auto payments, mortgage payments, property taxes and many other monthly bills even if they’ve been laid off or furloughed. Companies owe debt-service payments, rent and so on. As economist Larry Summers puts it, “economic time has been stopped, but financial time has not been stopped.”

Bài trước: Tiền đâu ra mà cho
Tags: economics

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