"Crack houses" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Pretty Drugthings on Unsplash

"Crack houses" có từ crack là ma túy -> cụm từ này nghĩa là tòa nhà hoặc nơi ở mà việc buôn bán và sử dụng ma túy diễn ra.

Ví dụ
Councilman Charles Barron, a former Black Panther, said that Carson, a Korean war veteran (cựu chiến binh), closed more crack houses than the New York police department. Don’t judge his life on his most provocative (khiêu khích) statements, his supporters asked.

Prosecutors in the U.S. Justice Department therefore claim that the opening of these safe sites would be a violation (vi phạm) of the Controlled Substance Act, the goal of which is to close crack houses.

The city of Columbus shut down two crack houses that officials said plagued (lây nhiễm) their neighborhoods for years with drugs, crime and violence, Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein’s office announced Thursday.

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