"Cuckoo in the nest" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: David Clode on Unsplash

"Cuckoo in the nest" = chim cu trong tổ -> nghĩa là người không được chào đón, vị khách không mời mà tới.

Ví dụ
With four episodes to go, Taylor’s cleverly sleekit drama is shaping up nicely, playing on viewers’ assumptions. There is a cuckoo in the nest here, but who is it?

The worst example has, of course, been Hungary, whose autocratic (chuyên quyền, độc đoán) prime minister Viktor Orbán, has long been considered a cuckoo in the nest by the EU’s family of centre right political parties. Orbán has systematically (có hệ thống) intimidated (đe dọa) Hungary’s judiciary (bộ máy tư pháp), emasculated (cắt xén) the free press and manipulated electoral law to the specific advantage of his own ruling Fidesz party.

“Understandable.” Ryker gave Thalia’s shoulders a little pat (cái vỗ nhẹ), then stepped away. “You are in a devilish awkward situation.”
“I am.” Thalia frowned (cau mày) at him. “How long will you help me?”
“As long as it takes.” Ryker was entirely calm. “It’s all right.”
“Is it? Is it really? It’s all right that I sit here like a cuckoo in the nest for weeks and months and years? It’s all right that you feed me and house me indefinitely? I can’t stay here forever.”

Ngọc Lân

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