"Different as night and day" nghĩa là gì?

Khác biệt để tạo điểm nhấn. Photo by: Lance Anderson on Unsplash

"Different as night and day" = khác như đêm với ngày -> nghĩa là rất khác nhau, khác một trời một vực.

Ví dụ
Exhibit D are the ideologies (nghiên cứu tư tưởng) of both candidates. Though both candidates were treated (đối xử) as different as night and day by a few in campaigns and the media, the two are not so different.

Funerals offer a marked moment, a safe space to express grief (nỗi buồn). Funerals stare death in the eye, an act that changes us. As a priest (linh mục), I see it all the time. The way a family expresses themselves before and after the funeral is as different as night and day.

As mentioned, you can't put all autistic (tự kỷ) people in the same box. My sons are different as night and day; not because of their five-year age gap but their personality (tính cách).

Ngọc Lân

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