"Eighteen wheeler" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by 500photos.com from Pexels

"Eighteen-wheeler" là loại xe tải lớn có 18 bánh.

Ví dụ
An eighteen-wheeler has fallen off a highway (đường cao tốc) in the downtown area.

One eighteen wheeler did not slow down in time and crashed into a pickup truck (xe bán tải), killing the driver of the pickup.

It was reported yesterday (March 16) that Barrier had been in a car crash with an eighteen-wheeler truck, getting rear-ended (va chạm từ phía sau) after the larger vehicle did not have time to properly break.

When the light turned green, I took my right turn wide and easy, without a thought about the 18-wheel vehicle to my left—because it wasn’t turning, and for that matter the Mazda wasn’t either. I thought I had tons of room.

Thu Phương

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