"Have the snuffles" nghĩa là gì?

Cúm vặt thôi mà, đừng lo nha. Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

"Have/get the snuffles/sniffles" nghĩa là bị cảm nhẹ, cảm cúm (sổ mũi, hắt xì).

Ví dụ
"You don’t need medical attention (chăm sóc y tế) if you have the sniffles," Azar noted.

“I do have a cough, maybe I’m over-thinking it. AJ had snuffles but kids get snuffles.

“If you have the sniffles and must go out, CDC recommendations (khuyên) are to wear a mask to avoid transmitting (tryền) the illness to others,” says Charles Chiu, an infectious disease expert (chuyên gia về bệnh truyền nhiễm) from UC San Francisco.

If you have symptoms (triệu chứng) of COVID-19 but are not feeling horribly ill, you probably have the snuffles or the flu. Do not panic (hoảng loạn). If you have no reason to think you’ve been in close contact with someone who is infected (bị nhiễm) with COVID-19, you should proceed as if you have a cold or the flu.

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