"He that would the daughter win must with the mother first begin" nghĩa là gì?

Bước qua ải "mẹ vợ" đã rồi tính. Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels

"He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin" nghĩa là nếu muốn chinh phục cô con gái, trước hết phải lấy lòng người mẹ.

Ví dụ
But then, these officers in an honourable manner (cư xử kính trọng) always contrive (dự tính) to make their way into a family with much greater celerity (mau chóng) than they do through a breach (phạm phép); for by following up the old proverb of " He who would the daughter win, Must with the mother first begin."

Let's hear it for the mother-inl-law. Is there a crescendo of applause (tràng pháo tay) for the most unappreciated (không được đánh giá cao) and misunderstood (hiểu nhầm) creatures on the planet? Sadly not! The seeds of distrust (không tin tưởng) have been long planted. “He that would the daughter win must with the mother first begin.”

Although in theory (lý thuyết) the ultimate control (kiếm soát tuyệt đối) of children's marriages, might lie with their father, the mother was often first to be consulted (tư vấn), and might even take the initiative (chủ động) in the making of a match. 'He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin.' Among the upper classes (tầng lớp thượng lưu) and the middling sort (trung lưu), women often went to their mothers“ houses for their lying in (tồn tại), or were visited by them.

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