Một chiếc máy thở giá bao nhiêu?

vài trăm euro thôi, nếu làm theo mẫu thiết kế (và sản xuất đại trà) của nhóm nhà khoa học toàn cầu này...
...Enter Cristiano Galbiati, at Princeton University, and a team of colleagues that spans (mở rộng ra bên trên hoặc ngang qua cái gì; kéo dài qua) the Americas and Europe, who have published the design of a mechanical ventilator (máy thở) that they have prototyped (làm nguyên mẫu) and built in just a few days and at minimal cost. The machine is designed (được thiết kế) to be mass-produced (sản xuất đại trà) specifically to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic (đại dịch).

The team base their design on an old but reliable machine called a Manley Ventilator, originally developed in the 1950s by anesthetist (nhà gây mê) Roger Manley. His key insight was to use the pressure of gas from an anesthetic machine to help his patients breathe. So his machine was entirely gas-driven. Later, engineers introduced various sensors (cảm biến) and actuators (cơ cấu chấp hành) to control and monitor what is going on. But the design is still extremely simple, requiring just a power supply and a gas supply.

Galbiati and colleagues say the main difference between theirs and Manley’s machine is that they use electronic (điện tử) pneumatic ((kỹ thuật) chạy bằng khí, chạy bằng hơi; làm việc nhờ khí nén) valves that can be controlled by computer, rather than mechanical switches. This eases the move to large-scale production, they say.

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Tags: health

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