"In command of" nghĩa là gì?

"Tôi bảo rẽ trái thì đừng rẽ phải." Photo by Dave Ang from Pexels

"In command of" = điều khiển, chỉ huy của.

Ví dụ
Jeff Craig, who recently retired (nghỉ hưu) from the Navy (Hải quân) after serving as a captain (đại tá), including a tour as second in command of the Roosevelt, worked extensively with Captain Crozier after attending the Naval Academy with him.

The sudden exodus (di cư bất ngờ) of millions of Indians eking out (kiếm sống) an existence (tồn tại) in the cities to distant villages across India bespeaks (chứng tỏ) the malign incompetence (sự kém cỏi độc hại) of a prime minister (thủ tướng) who, despite being in command of enormous resources (nguồn lực khổng lồ), squandered (phí phạm) crucial weeks.

It is, though, an unusual role for the man in command of New Jersey’s 3,000-member State Police force (lực lượng). Law enforcement (thực thi pháp luật) is pressed into service (trưng dụng) in times of natural or man-made disasters (thảm họa) to protect life and property and bring down the hammer on those who would use the confusion (bối rối) and chaos (hỗn loạn) to harm the innocent (hại người vô tội).

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