"Keep a sharp lookout" nghĩa là gì?

Luôn phải cẩn thận. Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

"Keep a sharp lookout (for something or someone)" = giữ cái nhìn sắc lẹm -> nghĩa là cảnh giác, thận trọng.

Ví dụ
They are the self-appointers (tự bổ nhiệm) upholders (người ủng hộ) of morality (đạo đức) and values, and are always on a sharp lookout for any transgression (vi phạm) of the arbitrary rules (quy tắc độc đoán) they have set up.

As unprecedented (chưa từng có) changes in the health of our country and our economy continue to unfold (mở ra), it appears accountants (kế toán viên) need to keep a sharp lookout for changes to accounting standards (chuẩn mực kế toán) that result.

The snow is so deep through that section that moose (nai sừng tấm) are going to want to use the trail (vết chân của thú đi) along with the dog teams. Mushers (người lái xe trượt truyết) are going to have to keep a sharp lookout, and the snow is deep enough that they may need to move their required snowshoes to the top of the bag.

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