"Prick your conscience" nghĩa là gì?

Từ bi, khoan dung và độ lượng. Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash 

"Prick (one's) conscience" -> nghĩa là cắn rứt lương tâm.

Ví dụ
At times, laypeople (người thế tục) must prick the conscience of the administrators (quản trị viên) of these schools — most of them members of the clergy (giới tăng lữ)— to be more charitable (khoan dung).

Let Dr. Touray prick our Health Minister’s (Bộ trưởng Bộ Y tế) conscience with some powerful words of admonition (răn đe). Perhaps that will inject (tiêm) some adrenaline (một loại hormone) into his system for better performance.

These emergencies did not prick the conscience of greedy (tham lam) policy makers (nhà hoạch định chính sách) and public and private sector implementers of otherwise noble (cao quý) and responsive (dễ bảo) government policies not to exploit (bóc lột) the dire (nguy kịch) situation to negative advantage (lợi thế tiêu cực).

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