"Live paycheck to paycheck" nghĩa là gì?

Với đồng lương ít ỏi thì tầm này chỉ có thể ngắm chứ không thể mua. Photo by Collis from Pexels

"Live paycheck to paycheck" = sống từ kỳ lương này đến kỳ lương tới -> nghĩa là không có dư dả, việc chi tiêu hàng ngày chỉ dựa vào tiền lương hàng tháng.

Ví dụ
“Payroll (bảng lương) has been done the same way for decades,” said Ross, “and the payroll cycle really doesn’t work for living paycheck to paycheck. It doesn’t align (phù hợp) well with the cash flow needs of the employee (nhân viên).”

Consumers (người tiêu dùng) who were living paycheck-to-paycheck before the pandemic (đại dịch) began are the most vulnerable (dễ tổn thương) of all, with 55 percent saying they had access to enough cash to last them two weeks before having to dig into their savings.

Absent that income stream (dòng thu nhập), Crawford said, she is essentially living paycheck to paycheck. She can no longer participate in the continuing-education webinars (giáo dục trực tuyến) she typically budgets (ngân sách) in — and if her gym were open, she wouldn’t be able to afford the fee. For now, she is taking advantage of free online classes and workouts.

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