"Mell of a hess" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Khara Woods on Unsplash

"Mell of a hess" là cách nói lái của "hell of a mess" -> cụm từ này nghĩa là mớ hỗn độn, bày bừa hoặc tình huống, vấn đề khó giải quyết.

Ví dụ
My neighborhood, my city, our country, our world is in what my mother would have called “a mell of a hess.” Panic (hoảng loạn), uncertainty, fear everywhere. What do with it? The enforced pause has put me into deep thinking – and into some small, one-person actions.

We seem to be in what Bernie's and Joe's and my generation called a "mell of a hess," back before the media and the political class routinized (thủ tục quen thuộc) the words that were formerly common to override (viết đè) with: #%$#%^!!%$%.

Bolden was the focus (trọng tâm). McGloin was the foil. It was one mell of a hess, one of many in 2011 that ultimately escalated (leo thang) out of control.

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