"Morning, noon, and night" nghĩa là gì?

Hoan nghênh bạn 24/7. Photo by Jeswin Thomas from Pexels

"Morning, noon, and night" = sáng, trưa (chiều), tối -> cả ngày, toàn thời gian.

Ví dụ
“Our staff is taking calls morning, noon and night to help companies,” she said.

People are working morning, noon and night to come up with solutions (giải pháp).

In the age of the novel (chủng mới) coronavirus, many of us are stuck safely inside our homes morning, noon and night.

Today, White Castle owns and operates more than 365 restaurants dedicated to satisfying (thỏa mãn) customers’ cravings (cơn thèm), morning, noon and night and sells its famous fare in retail stores nationwide (toàn quốc).

Thu Phương

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