"No-win situation" nghĩa là gì?

Virus khiến cả thế giới đảo điên. Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

"No-win situation" nghĩa là tình huống khó dành chiến thắng, tình cảnh không có hướng giải quyết.

Ví dụ
Wayne Rooney has criticised (bị chỉ trích) both the government (chính phủ) and the English Premier League for placing the nation’s top footballers in a “no-win situation” over the issue of pay cuts, branding their interventions (can thiệp) “a disgrace” (nhục nhã).

Baldini declined (từ chối) the offer all the same, holding onto the sunk costs (chi phí chìm) he’s dreamt up in Rome and believing the club would come good as Italy’s biggest power, provided they kept their conscience (lương tâm) clear. But Baldini hadn’t counted on (tính đến) backing himself into no-win situation like this one - his ideals, perhaps stubbornness (bướng bỉnh), had him locked into a Cold War with the Sensis.

There is this probably particularly American mentality (tâm lý) that if we just study (nghiên cứu) a problem long enough, and are somehow smart enough, we will inevitably discover (chắc chắn khám phá ra) some option that creates a win-win scenario (bối cảnh) that avoids both the terrible health consequences (hậu quả) (more infections and more deaths) or the terrible economic consequences (a depression (suy thoái) that forces all kinds of businesses large and small into bankruptcy (phá sản)). The coronavirus may be presenting the countries of the world with a no-win situation.

Thu Phương

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