"Out of necessity" nghĩa là gì?

Ngồi nhà, ấn một cái, đợi, và thế là có đồ ăn. Photo by Jack Sparrow from Pexels

"Out of necessity" nghĩa là vì cần thiết, do nhu cầu (nên làm gì).

Ví dụ
“Telemedicine (hệ thống chẩn đoán bệnh từ xa) expanded greatly in a short time out of necessity, but with that we have seen how valuable (giá trị) it can be as an alternative to live visits for some patients. I believe that we will continue to employ (sử dụng) telemedicine far beyond these acute issues (vấn đề cấp bách),” H. Jack West, MD, told Targeted Oncology.

Other possible approaches (cách tiếp cận khả thi), such as defining the crisis (xác định khủng hoảng) as one of growth, were ignored. He presented (trình bày) the decisions (quyết định) to reduce public spending (chi tiêu công) as being borne (đưa ra) out of necessity. In a speech in 2013, Cameron stated: “If there was another way I would take it. But there is no alternative (thay thế).”

The coronavirus crisis has forced many Americans to look to online shopping for their necessities more than ever before. The trend (xu hướng) toward online shopping was already well under way before COVID-19, with 11% of all retail sales (doanh số bán lẻ) occurring online in 2019, compared to 9% in 2017. But the virus is accelerating (làm gia tăng) this trend, and many consumers who may have been resistant (từ chối) to online shopping before are now doing it out of necessity. 

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