"Patter of tiny feet" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Jake Ryan from Pexels

"Patter of tiny feet" = tiếng của bàn chân nhỏ bé -> nghĩa là tiếng trẻ con (đứa trẻ sắp chào đời).

Ví dụ
He then hinted (gợi ý) that the pair could hear the pitter patter of tiny feet soon – because their car had space for one more child.

Seeking artificial grass (cỏ nhân tạo) for the centrepiece of the garden, they approached (tiếp cận) Grass Direct to find out what range would be best placed to handle the patter of many tiny feet.

The patter of tiny panda feet may not be heard for a while yet. The pregnancy (mang thai) itself takes between three and five months but there have been cases where the whole process has taken a whole year.

The patter of tiny feet is coming to Downing Street. British Prime Minister (Thủ tướng) Boris Johnson revealed (tiết lộ) Saturday that he and his girlfriend, Carrie Symonds, are engaged (đính hôn) to be married and expecting a baby in the early summer.

Thu Phương

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