"Pile up" nghĩa là gì?

Mắt lại nhìn lên giời rồi. Photo by Jessica S.

"Pile up" nghĩa là chứa đầy, chất đống, xếp thành chồng, tích lũy hoặc đâm vào nhau (phương tiện).

Ví dụ
Iowa woman watches bills pile up as she waits for unemployment benefits (trợ cấp thất nghiệp).

Video shows the scene where nearly 60 cars were involved in a massive pile-up on the Kennedy Expressway during snow in Chicago.

Outside the port city of Guayaquil, bodies (thi thể) are piling up in refrigerated (đông lạnh) trucks because hospitals are overwhelmed (quá tải).

A cement dealer (nhà phân phối xi măng) in the National Capital Region (NCR) says his shop is shut. He neither has any cement stock nor any fresh orders. Despite the Union government allowing construction activity (hoạt động xây dựng) to begin, inventories (hàng tồn kho) at steel and cement factories pile up since the retail end of dealerships, mandis and warehouses (kho hàng) are shut.

Thu Phương

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