"Quarrel with your bread and butter" nghĩa là gì?

Giờ mà nghỉ việc thì lấy gì bỏ mồm đây? Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

"Quarrel with one's bread and butter" nghĩa là bỏ nghề đã nuôi sống mình, đi ngược lại với quyền lợi của chính mình.

Ví dụ
Pray, what right had she to find fault with those who so hospitably (hiếu khách) entertained her? Or, how did she show superior (vượt trội) sense by thus quarrelling with her bread and butter?

They probably agreed with the local liberal newspaper, the Bendigo Independent, that 'the ordinary individual (cá nhân bình thường) does not pick a quarrel with his bread and butter, unless he has the assurance (đảm bảo) that by doing so his bread will be returned to him buttered on both sides'.

The Government has to make a distinctive pact (hiệp định đặc biệt) with Private sectors for the jersey justice (hình thức phạt) of their employee’s salary. Giving the cold shoulder (tỏ thái độ lạnh nhạt) to the general public (công chúng) by the Government will result in famishment (nạn đói) at a large mass. This will induce the general public to come out of their homes and make kangaroo court (phiên tòa trá hình) in order to quarrel with bread and butter.

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