"Share and share alike" nghĩa là gì?

Nhớ phải chia đều bằng nhau nha, không có đứa tị. Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

"Share and share alike" = chia sẻ bằng nhau -> nghĩa là chia các thứ một cách đồng đều.

Ví dụ
We have the best medical system (hệ thống y tế) in the world. If your sick they will help you. Share and share alike. We’re all in this together.

After much consideration (cân nhắc), Elsa placed Chi Chita with a younger litter so they would not be a threat (đe dọa) to her. Chi Chita quickly warmed up to the puppies and fighting for food was never an issue again – this group lived by the motto (phương châm) “share and share alike” which suited Chi Chita just fine.

The first way we can show we care is to take personal responsibility (chịu trách nhiệm cá nhân) for our hygiene (vệ sinh), health and the health of those in proximity (ở gần) to us. The WHO and others have made recommendations (khuyến cáo) as to how do to do that. But share your resources, too. Take a family a meal, help working parents with their kids or with a meal. You know what to do. Share and share alike.

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