"Sing a different tune" nghĩa là gì ?

Photo by: Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

"Sing a different tune" = hát giọng khác -> nghĩa là thay đổi ý kiến, hành vi, hay thái độ, rất bất ngờ hoặc đột ngột.

Ví dụ
In those times, women were not taken as seriously as men.As the women went on their merry way to spread the good news, men assigned to guard the tomb (lăng mộ) related the same to an assembly of chief priests and elders, who only saw bad news in the report and paid them a large sum of money to sing a different tune.

“We have other folks (individuals) and organizations that donate to us, ... so at this point our food warehouse is taken care of, but it depends on if this lingers (kéo dài) for six months. We will probably sing a different tune if it lasts that long,” Prochaska said.

Republicans have decided to sing a different tune. If it sounds familiar, that’s because they turned to the same music when the Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia died, President Barack Obama nominated (đề cử) Merrick Garland to replace him and the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, declared that a presidential election about eight months in the offing prevented the Senate from taking any action.

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