"Sink the shop" nghĩa là gì?

Thợ giấu nghề cũng là chuyện dễ hiểu. Photo by Caio from Pexels

"Sink the shop" nghĩa là không bàn đến chuyện làm ăn, không bàn đến chuyện chuyên môn hoặc giấu nghề.

Ví dụ
Other craftsmen (thợ thủ công) can “sink the shop” sometimes, and interest themselves in other matters.

I will, therefore, for the present, sink the shop, that my master may rise in the estimation (kính mến) of the reader, when I describe his person and his qualification (trình độ).

But such is the force of habit, that (to the great annoyance (khó chịu) of his family, who wished him to "sink the shop”) he was always unhappy unless in the cellar (hầm) measuring his own coals.

Paul: "My lady, I mean, ordered me to give you a twitch (kéo, giật) of the elbow every time you spoke of the shop."
"A twitch! What for?" asked Paul.
“To make you remember to sink the shop, sir, now you are a great man,” answered Tim.

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