"Success has many fathers but failure is an orphan" nghĩa là gì?

Đến lúc gặp khó khăn, chả thấy ma nào chịu giúp. Photo by Yasin Gündogdu from Pexels

"Success has many fathers but failure is an orphan" = thành công có rất nhiều cha, thất bại chỉ là một đứa con côi cút -> nghĩa là khi thành công thì có rất nhiều người nhận, còn nếu thất bại sẽ chẳng ai chịu trách nhiệm.

Ví dụ 
“He agreed; I got the drug (along w/tocilizumab (một loại thuốc trị viêm khớp)),” Lat said. “I was also given Kevzara, hydroxychloroquine (thuốc trị viêm khớp nhẹ) plus azithromycin (kháng sinh), and Remdesivir. Which worked? Who knows! As the old JFK saying goes, success has many fathers, while failure is an orphan.”

The Roman historian (nhà sử học) Tacitus wrote, “Success has many fathers but failure is an orphan.” Several erroneous claims (tuyên bố sai lầm) have been put forth about who founded (sáng lập) the Radical Faeries. One person even ignorantly (thờ ơ) wrote that the Radical Faeries have no founders, they just randomly happened.

Likewise, if a leader decides to go against the data, they must take ownership (quyền sở hữu) of that choice if things go badly, and bear responsibility (chịu trách nhiệm) for the outcome (kết quả). Exceptions need to have accountability (có trách nhiệm) because, as the saying goes, “Success has many fathers, while failure is an orphan.”

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