"The wish is father to the thought" nghĩa là gì?

Chúng ta thường chỉ tin vào điều bản thân muốn mà thôi. Photo by Samuel Rossi from Pexels

"The wish is father to the thought" nghĩa là uớc ao làm sao, của chiêm bao là vậy, chỉ việc chúng ta tin vào điều đó chỉ vì chúng ta muốn nó là sự thật.

Ví dụ
Houdini remarked that “if the wish is father to the thought, it is mother to the hallucination (ảo giác).” The New York skyline, “built with a wish,” was that thought and that hallucination.

But there have been other socalled investigators (điều tra viên) who have attended séances (gọi hồn) wishing to be fooled and as “the wish is father of the thought” they have been misled (bị lừa). 

Dewey was, like the rest of us, often untrue (trái với) to his own thought. His hopes for the future often overwhelmed (chôn vùi) the impact of his analysis (phân tích). Ah! 'the wish is father to the thought.'

These men say there is no God, because they wish there were none. The wish is father to the thought; and the thought demands great grossness (thô tục) of heart, and grievous hardness (quá cứng rắn) of spirit before they dare to express it in words; and even when they express it in words, it needs much practice before they can do it with a bold, unblushing countenance (vẻ mặt không biến sắc).

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