"Sure thing" nghĩa là gì?

Đừng lo lắng quá, không phải cứ sốt là nhiễm COVID đâu. Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

"Sure thing" = điều chắc chắn. Tiếng lóng cụm từ này nghĩa là đồng tình, đồng ý (= yes).

Ví dụ
One sure thing, town will recover.

“(But) we don't know if we can return (hoàn trả) or not.” For students and college administrators (quản lý), uncertainty (không chắc chắn) is the one sure thing these days.

During Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer stated that the Elite Deletion is not a sure thing. This sounded like a great idea for some fans, but it’s only something that is under consideration (cân nhắc) at the present moment.

Fever (sốt) is even less of a sure thing, at least according to that study, Kline said. Only 44% of the patients (bệnh nhân) had a fever when they went to the hospital, and only 48% of those whose cases were considered severe (nặng).

Thu Phương

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