"Take to court" nghĩa là gì?

"Tôi sẽ kiện anh, cứ chờ đấy!" Photo by BrittReneePhotography

"Take (someone or something) to court" nghĩa là đưa ai ra tòa, kiện ai.

Ví dụ
Single parents take government to court over welfare (phúc lợi) rules.

The Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association (FITA) has resolved (quyết định) to take the government to court, to compel (buộc) it to lift the ban (gỡ bỏ lệnh cấm) on the sale of cigarettes during the lockdown.

It is a difficult process to take to court an adult who is suspected of abuse (nghi ngờ lạm dụng) because our legal system (hệ thống pháp lý) is built on the idea that the prosecution (khởi tố) must establish 'beyond reasonable doubt' (nghi ngờ trên mức hợp lý) that a person is guilty.

Over 250 Lesotho doctors take govt to court for protective gear (đồ bảo hộ). The Lesotho Medical Association (LMA) said it had been demanding (yêu cầu) good working conditions (điều kiện làm việc) for years, but with the COVID-19 pandemic (đại dịch) looming they could not put patients’ lives at risk (nguy hiểm).

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