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[hay còn gọi là "Hiệu ứng Cantillon" (The Cantillon Effect: Why Wall Street Gets a Bailout and You Don't)]

có lẽ các bạn trả lời được ngay, "nhanh cho nó vuông": là tiền chỉ tới các tập đoàn lớn, sân sau, có quan hệ... mà thôi, nhỉ,

điều này đã được triết gia, banker người pháp Richard Cantillon nhận ra từ thế kỷ 18: khi tây ban nha phát hiện ra vùng caribe, bồ đào nha phát hiện ra các mỏ vàng ở brazil -> tăng cung tiền, thì chỉ những ai gần vua chúa, quý tộc mới được hưởng lợi, còn "anh nông dân" thì vẫn phải "cơm bụi giá cao" do lạm phát (in tiền),

-> nếu thực tâm muốn cứu small business, thì các chương trình cứu trợ phải được thiết kế ngay từ đầu, để họ nhận được trực tiếp và nhanh (như các ngân hàng lớn vậy), 

-> cần nghiên cứu thêm kinh nghiệm Chương trình Kinh tế mới (New Deal) những năm 1930s của tổng thống thứ 32 của mỹ Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) để thoát khỏi cuộc Đại Khủng hoảng 1929-1933...
An 18th century French banker and philosopher named Richard Cantillon noticed an early version of this phenomenon in a book he wrote called ‘An Essay on Economic Theory.’ His basic theory was that who benefits when the state prints a bunch of money is based on the institutional setup of that state. In the 18th century, this meant that the closer you were to the king and the wealthy, the more you benefitted, and the further away you were, the more you were harmed. Money, in other words, is not neutral.

...In Cantillon’s day, the basis of money was gold, so he wrote about what happened when a nation-state discovered a gold mine in its territory. Increasing the amount of gold in the realm would not just increase price levels, he observed, but would change who had wealth and he didn’t. As he put it, “doubling the quantity of money in a state, the prices of products and merchandise are not always doubled. The river, which runs and winds about in its bed, will not flow with double the speed when the amount of water is doubled.

Cantillon went on to discuss how money would flow, basically noting that rich people near the mine would spend it on 18th century luxuries like servants and meat pies, prompting a general rise in prices. Eventually the money would get out to the populace, but until it did, working people would have to pay higher prices without access to the new money that mine owners had. So there would be inflation, with uneven distribution of purchasing power.

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