Covid-19: vì sao nước Mỹ thiếu khẩu trang?

một phần là do thiếu vốn lưu động (các nhà sản xuất ko được nhận tiền tạm ứng ngay, với lượng đặt hàng lớn như vậy, tăng, ví dụ, 20 lần) và không tăng được giá, theo Ryan Peterson - tgđ Flexport,
Typically, buyers of PPE, whether hospitals or medical distributors, expect to place purchase orders and only pay for products upon delivery, or even later.

But when demand surges by 20x, vendors simply don’t have the money required to scale production (gia tăng sản xuất). Factories need money to add production lines, buy raw materials, and hire workers. They need down payments (tiền tạm ứng, ứng trước, trả trước) so they can move.

Buyers prefer to pay upon receipt of goods for two reasons. The first is to ensure quality: They can refuse payment if the goods they receive don’t meet their standards. The second reason is they prefer to keep cash on their balance sheets, rather than paying vendors in advance.

In ordinary times, sellers will accept this. But with the entire world desperate (tuyệt vọng) to buy PPE, manufacturers know they can ask for a down payment and get it. Other more aggressive entities are paying down payments, so if US buyers won’t, they don’t get the supply.

American medical distributors (nhà phân phối thiết bị y tế), governments, and even hospital chains (chuỗi bệnh viện), by contrast, have been less willing, or less able, to adapt to the new reality of paying vendors upfront (tạm ứng), at higher prices than they’d contracted.

At the same time, US distributors can’t pass higher prices through to hospitals in the midst of the crisis, for fear of being accused of profiteering (trục lợi). Foreign governments and healthcare systems have been less encumbered (làm lúng túng, trở ngại, vướng víu) by this, showing a willingness to pay more and pay faster to get first in line.

Tags: economics

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