"With the exception of" nghĩa là gì?

Vì tình hình dịch bệnh, chỉ những mặt hàng cực kỳ thiết yếu mới được bán. Photo by Tembela Bohle from Pexels

"With the exception of" -> nghĩa là với việc ngoại trừ (điều cụ thể).

Ví dụ
UNCW had already announced that all summer programs, with the exception of Athletics camps, scheduled (dự kiến) to take place through June 24 have been canceled (hủy).

That means that the state will enter the next fiscal year (năm tài chính) on July 1 with the same budget (ngân sách) it’s currently operating under with the exception of some mandatory spending (chi tiêu bắt buộc) categories.

Domestically (trong nước), most of Stefanutti's projects have stopped, with the exception of certain mining services projects that have been deemed (xem là) essential (thiết yếu) in terms of government regulations (quy định của chính phủ).

The area continued to reel from the COVID-19 novel (chủng mới) coronavirus this week, with many towns reporting increases in confirmed cases (trường hợp được xác nhận) with the exception of Chester Borough, which reported no new cases – or any cases – at all.

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