"As the case may be" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

"As/whatever the case may be" nghĩa là tùy theo từng trường hợp (mà điều đó có thể đúng hoặc sai).

Ví dụ
The Company makes no representation (tuyên bố) that the RMB or USD amounts referred could be converted into USD or RMB, as the case may be, at any particular rate or at all.

Call them "underrated," "unappreciated," (không được đánh giá cao) or just "undervalued." Whatever the case may be, today we will take a look at a number of those players from the Cleveland Indians, both past and present.

Whatever the case may be, once you have decided it’s time to receive monthly installment payments (thanh toán trả góp) from your TSP account balance (số dư tài khoản), you might wonder how long it will take to begin receiving the money.

At the request of the importer (nhập hàng) of record, the owner, or the transferee (bên được nhượng), as the case may be, two general samples may be taken from a sampling unit if the taking and testing of a second general sample is feasible (khả thi).


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