"Ask no odds" nghĩa là gì?

"Chẳng đòi hỏi gì mà vẫn bị nói." Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

"Ask no odds" nghĩa là không yêu cầu gì, không đòi hỏi gì.

Ví dụ
If the people of the United States will let us alone for ten years, we will ask no odds of them.

If I do not, for I ask no odds of them. This people have treated (đối xử) them kindly. Did we not pay for our land honorably (danh dự) when we settled in Missouri and other place?

And above all, he was a man of conscience (lương tâm). He asked no odds, and he gave none. He made honesty something unlovely (không đẹp đẽ), but he was rigidly (cứng nhắc) honest.

And throughout all of our institutions, let us sustain (duy trì) the right and put down the wrong, and be valiant (can đảm) for the truth, asking no odds of this world, for God is on the side of Israel, and he will defend (che chở) us if we obey his laws and keep his commandments (lời dạy bảo). 

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