"Bite my nails" nghĩa là gì?

Móng tay chứa nhiều vi khuẩn hơn chúng ta nghĩ đó. Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels

"Bite (one's) nails" = cắn móng tay -> nghĩa bóng là (thói quen khi) căng thẳng, lo lắng. Danh từ có cụm "nail-biter".

Ví dụ
I get a lot of anxiety (lo lắng) and it just makes me bite my nails.

I can’t stop biting my nails. It’s always been a bad habit of mine, but it’s gotten really bad lately and I don’t even notice I’m doing it. Any tips for quitting?

I used to bite my nails (have done since I was tiny) but I managed to stop since lockdown. Aside from that, and the occasionally grumpy (quạu) morning, no. This is maybe a question to ask people who know me though - their answers may be different from mine!

I realized recently that when I’m away from work for a bit, my nails grow longer. Apparently my job is making me bite my nails. “Sometimes anxiety doesn't necessarily manifest (biểu thị) into a place where we say, ‘I am anxious,’” Craigen said. “Sometimes it really manifests in a physical way.”

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