"Nail your colours to the mast" nghĩa là gì?

Chọn rồi thì hãy trung thành với FC của mình. Photo by Martí Pardo from Pexels

"Nail (one's) colours to the mast" nghĩa là kiên quyết giữ vững lập trường của mình. "Mast" nghĩa là cột buồm, "colour" ở đây là quốc kỳ. Nếu lá cờ được đóng đinh vào cột buồm chính là dấu hiệu của quyết tâm chiến đấu đến cùng.

Ví dụ
In nailing its colours so clearly to the mast, the council (hội đồng) might hope to discourage (phản đối) applications (ứng dụng), which will inevitably result in refusals (từ chối), so it can concentrate (tập trung) scare resources on enforcing (thực thi) the law.

Lisnaskea's Chris McCallen is the first man from Fermanagh to fly the green and white flag all the way from the Antarctic – and possibly the only local person to ever point out that Fermanagh weather is warm!And while he clearly had to pack carefully before heading to the South Pole, Chris was careful not to leave behind his Fermanagh flag so he could nail his colours to the mast in the icey tundra (lãnh nguyên).

Traditionally, supporters had their affiliation (gia nhập) decided by location or familial ties. But as England’s top division (bộ phận) has become a truly global business, soccer fans have had to find other ways to choose a team to follow. So, if you’re keen to nail your colours to a particular Premier League mast but aren’t sure which club to plump for, the following guide should help you make a decision. Pick carefully, though – there’s no going back from here…

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