"Brown bottle flu" nghĩa là gì?

Tăng nữa chứ nhỉ! :D Photo by Harrison Haines from Pexels

"Brown bottle flu" nghĩa là nôn nao, ốm yếu do rượu bia (trước kia bia thường bán trong chai màu nâu).

Ví dụ
Just in, corona virus just mutated (biến thành) into the brown bottle flu affecting the middle age working class. Symptoms (triệu chứng) incude no sports and multiple 30 packs.

The Irish idioms for overindulging (qúa bê tha) are, of course, classics. They might call a hangover “the brown bottle flu,” or say they are “in Lego” or “have an inexplicable headache.”

During a Barclays webcast last week, Chipotle Mexican Grill CEO Brian Niccol told investors (nhà đầu tư) that the company uses nurses to ensure employees are truly sick and not just down with the brown bottle flu.

Aside from a boisterous debate (tranh luận sôi nổi) concerning the muddling (trộn lẫn) of fruits in addition to simple bitters, the concept has remained relatively static (tĩnh, không đổi) over the years. The only real difference being the change in time, from morning to evening, and our respective reasoning (lý luận tương ứng). That is to say, we use it to get drunk and not to do away with the brown bottle flu.

Thu Phương

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