"Drink myself to a stupor" nghĩa là gì?

đừng uống say quá các em nhé... Photo by Michael Discenza on Unsplash.

"Drink oneself to a stupor" có từ stupor là sự ngẩn ngơ; trạng thái sững sờ, kinh ngạc (gần (như) bất tỉnh do bị choáng váng, ma túy..) -> cụm từ này nghĩa là uống đến trạng thái bất tỉnh, mất cảm giác, ngẩn ngơ vì say rượu; tương tự như "drink oneself to death".

Ví dụ 
After losing his job, Bob lost his life purposes (mất định hướng trong cuộc sống) and drink himself to a stupor everyday. 

Found. embraced, lost 
Sand castles built to be washed away 
Leaving behind the one that drinks to a stupor. 

I’m getting divorced. But I won’t be single for too long. I cannot stay by myself. I need company (cần người bầu bạn). When I go home now, I can hear my echo. It’s very lonely. How are you dealing with it? To be honest - alcohol. I drown myself in alcohol, because I know the feeling it gives me. It helps me forget things. But let me clarify. I don’t drink myself to a stupor. I know my limits. I take just enough to drown the thoughts. I don’t get drunk. I have seen what alcohol can do. I have seen people close to me ruin their lives because of alcohol, and I don’t want to go down that path.

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Bài trước: "Drink to your health" nghĩa là gì?
Tags: phrase

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