"Emotional affair" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Fabrizio Verrecchia on Unsplash

"Emotional affair" = vấn đề cảm xúc -> nghĩa là trường hợp mà hai người bị thu hút lẫn nhau (một trong số họ đã có tình yêu của mình) về mặt tình cảm, không có quan hệ tình dục.

Ví dụ
I have been pulled into an emotional affair with an older, married friend. He and I became close over the last two years. What I initially saw as friendship has grown into intimacy (thân mật).

You are not overreacting (phản ứng thái quá). Your husband is involved in an emotional affair. For the sake of ( vì lợi ích) your marriage, it needs to stop. If he won't accept it from you, perhaps he will listen to his religious adviser, a marriage counselor or your lawyer. Do not try to fight this alone; you may need their help along the way.

I feel really angry and hurt right now. I saw messages on your phone that make it clear you’re having an emotional affair, and I won't tolerate (tha thứ) the disrespect. I want to discuss how this will affect our future.

Ngọc Lân

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