"Emotional cripple" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Sydney Sims on Unsplash

"Emotional cripple" = người tàn tật cảm xúc -> nghĩa là người gặp khó khăn trong việc bộc lộ cảm xúc, từ đó gây trở ngại khi thông cảm với người khác, nghĩa khác là trở nên kém cỏi, thiếu quyết đoán, xa lánh xã hội hoặc thờ ơ, bất lực vì phải trải qua suy nhược cảm xúc.

Ví dụ
Any time you don't understand what's happening in your relationship, read this." Last week's findings (khám phá) might explain why I was an emotional cripple, while she strode (bước đi) on resplendent (lộng lẫy).

"I sat next to a movie guy and we had two or three drinks during the lunch hour," he recalls. "All of a sudden, I had a guy who was an emotional cripple, sobbing. His whole personality and demeanor (thái độ) changed right in front of my very eyes. And then I had to stay a while to see him through."

Jones is an emotional cripple unable to confront (đương đầu) her past; Hogarth’s monomaniacal focus on her career leaves her unprepared to face mortality (cái chết).

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