"Follow orders" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Mael BALLAND on Unsplash

"Follow orders" nghĩa là hành động theo hướng dẫn, mệnh lệnh được đưa ra.

Ví dụ
In a situation where a home doesn't follow orders, the RHRA has the ability to use enforcement actions including fines, compliance or management orders and revoking a licence "as a last resort," Bourre added.

We are here to follow the decisions that are made, we play soccer, but if they tell us they are going to the prison for two months, we are leaving. We follow orders, we want to play, but they will make the decisions and we are soldiers, he said.

Some 1,000 West Point cadets (học viên trường sĩ quan) from all corners of the country will soon be returning to the academy in New York, summoned by President Donald Trump so that he can deliver an in-person speech. And unlike commencements at non-military universities, where students are not required to follow orders from a commander in chief (người chỉ huy), cadets will effectively have no choice but to attend the ceremony.

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