"Get into the spirit" nghĩa là gì?

Tình nguyện hết mình. Photo by ray sangga kusuma on Unsplash

"Get/enter into the spirit (of something)" nghĩa là tham gia vào các hoạt động xã hội hoặc tình nguyện với tinh thần nhiệt huyết.

Ví dụ
You just need to get into the spirit of things.

Aremar and Angus Dre'Ath spent constant hours yakking (trò chuyện lâu) at each other well into the early morning, he was getting into the spirit of things. Driking it, too.

When we have faith we do not simply believe in the form, or that which may exist in the external; when we have faith we enter into the spirit of that in which we express our faith.

There are lots of ways you can get involved in the day, from making your own bunting (cờ) and cooking up a World War II menu, to following the commemorations (kỷ niệm) on the TV and online, and joining in a sing-along. I hope people will enter into the spirit of the celebrations and make VE75 a day to remember.

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