"Glance back" nghĩa là gì?

Ai gọi thế? Photo by Diana Jefimova from Pexels 

"Glance back" nghĩa là nhìn lại, nhìn về quá khứ, hoặc nhìn người đằng sau/ cái nhìn đáp trả (kẻ đang lườm bạn chẳng hạn).

Ví dụ
With the passing of Jerry Stiller at age 92, we take a glance back at one of his classic Frank Costanza moments and lines from the show.

A quick glance back shows us all the ups and downs we’ve traveled together. And we’ve come through, time after time — always better for having learned to do things cheaper, better, faster.

When I glanced back at him, his smile looked truly sympathetic (đồng cảm). “I know you don't believe you are the same person.” My head jerked (giật mạnh) back up in surprise. I wanted to deny it but my mouth refused to obey (nghe lời).

As you glance back, do you recall how some people were hard at work even though they didn’t seem to do any? Do you remember how others emanated (phát ra) a light and, in doing so, you felt like you were receiving a gift when in their presence?

Thu Phương

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