"Golden rule" nghĩa là gì?

Sống là phải dựa trên nguyên tắc. Photo by elaine

"Golden rule" nghĩa là (kinh thánh) quy tắc xử sự chuẩn mực, khuôn vàng thước ngọc.

Ví dụ
As we strive (cố gắng) to rebound (phục hồi) from this global hardship, we must be mindful not only of the golden rule, but also of its inverse (nghịch đảo).

The Golden Rule may be the most basic moral (đạo đức) approach to dealing with others. It seems universal across cultures (văn hóa) and religions (tôn giáo). The Golden Rule is instinctive (bản năng). We all know it, even as children without education.

You all know the golden rule, “He who has the gold, makes the rules.” The years of central bank experimentation (thử nghiệm) are starting to show the flaws (lỗ hổng) in the system. Gold miners (khai thác) are certainly making money off the move toward gold.

As I mentioned in my column two weeks ago, knowing what to write about during these difficult days is very challenging. What I want to do this week is to update an article written in April 2015. Living and applying the Golden Rule is more important than ever and, in some cases, more demanding (đòi hỏi khắt khe).

Thu Phương

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